James 1:26-27

James gives us two acid tests for a legitimate devotion to God (“pure and undefiled religion”): mouth and mercy. The people of God direct our mouths toward good and godly things and we show mercy to those in distress.

James 1:9-12

We are to boast in the right things. Those who are wealthy can become prone to boasting in their present circumstances, while the poor can become dejected about their present life. James encourages us to look ahead regardless of our circumstances. There is eternal salvation (“the crown of life”) to those who have endured and loved the Lord. Praise God for the wonderful gift of eternal life!

James 1:5-8

James turns his attention to a new topic that deals with divine wisdom, the wisdom whereby one perceives the holy will of God so that he would live a godly life that pleases Him, i.e., the fear of the Lord. God is a generous Giver of this heavenly wisdom.