Youth Group

Our youth group exists to come alongside of parents in nurturing the faith of their youths (in some cases, showing them the relevance of the gospel for the first time). Our youth group meetings are held every Friday during the school year and the schedule runs parallel with Adventure Club (from August to May, with weeks off for the holidays and school breaks). Parents are always welcomed to stay and observe. Each night begins with dinner and games/activities, followed by a hearty study of God’s word, and we conclude with a time of singing to the Lord in response to what we have learned. All who have outgrown Adventure Club are welcomed to join as well as those who recently finished High School.


Our church leadership selects a theme for each school year to thematically study an area of doctrine or principle from Scripture. Several of the men of our church take turns teaching the youths one month at a time. Several adult volunteers (men and women) are always present to help run each meeting. The theme for the school year 2024-2025 is “Why Christ died.” At first pass, the answer may seem very simple, but the Bible gives a rich explanation for the death of Christ. There is a handout for each week’s lesson and it is available in the posts below. We use John Piper’s Fifty Reasons why Christ Came to Die as the springboard for the lessons for this school year.