Our Beliefs
The church must uphold sound doctrine. Scripture says, “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires” (2 Timothy 4:2-3). By the command of God, we earnestly strive to preach the Word and uphold sound doctrine in our church. Below is our public statement of faith. This articulates what we believe the Bible plainly teaches about the following twelve areas of doctrine.
See here for a summary of our doctrinal distinctives.
I. Bible
We believe the Bible is the Word of God, inerrant (without error), infallible (incapable of teaching error), and wholly trustworthy in the autographs (original manuscripts). Therefore, we diligently strive to understand it and carry out all that it teaches us both as a church and as individual disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in the Bible because the Lord Jesus Christ affirmed the Old Testament Scriptures and authorized the giving of the New. We believe that the main message of Scripture is Jesus Christ and that sound doctrine must issue forth in Christ-like godly living. We believe the Bible was given by God the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth, and that Scripture alone is sufficient for faith and practice.
II. Trinity
We believe the Creator God is the one and only true God who is revealed in the Scriptures. We believe that He is triune: one being eternally existing in the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we worship God and live this life according to His self-revelation to us in His incarnate Son and according to the Spirit, the giver of divine truth, who indwells and sanctifies all those who believe.
III. Father
We believe God the Father is sovereign over all things. His purposes can never be thwarted; He knows all things; and He is actively working all things in perfect concert with His supreme will. Therefore, we live life and carry out this ministry fully confident that God is in control and that true wisdom is to trust in Him and to faithfully uphold His Word in all things.
IV. Son
We believe God the Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and that He took on human flesh two thousand years ago in the person of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus is the incarnation of the Eternal Son of God; He is sinless and innocent; He did only what was pleasing to the Father; He died in the place of sinners on the cross to pay the penalty for their sins; He rose bodily from the dead; He was seen by witnesses; He ascended into heaven and He is coming again just as He promised. Therefore, because of Christ and His finished work on the cross, we live and worship God as sinners redeemed by grace, who have peace with God through Him. We see life as a brief opportunity to serve and honor Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and live in eager anticipation of His soon return.
V. Spirit
We believe God the Spirit is the Spirit of truth, the great revelator of divine truth, whose words were inscripturated in the Bible. We further believe that the Spirit glorifies Christ; He regenerates sinners; He indwells those who belong to Christ; He leads them in a life of love and righteousness; He conforms them to the image of Christ and He enables ministry. Therefore, we honor God the Spirit who is in us; we strive to be holy as God is holy and we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ with the confidence that the Spirit will convict sinners and transform them according to the Father's sovereign election.
VI. Creation
We believe God created all things out of nothing in six literal days exactly as it is recorded in Scripture, just as Jesus and the apostles also taught. The God of the Bible claims authorship over every created thing, including angelic beings. We believe that creation was the work of the triune God in the three persons of the Father, the Son and the Spirit, and that all things exist for the glory of God to fulfill His purpose and will.
VII. Sinners
We believe all human beings since the fall are sinners in desperate need of God's forgiveness and regeneration/transformation. Therefore, we offer the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone, even children, confident that God can make the spiritually dead alive and cause them to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, be justified by faith, repent from their sins, become His disciples and receive the free gift of eternal life.
VIII. Salvation
We believe salvation is entirely the work of God, which He planned from eternity past. It is the demonstration of His sovereign power over all things and the expression of His grace. We further believe that sinners are justified (declared righteous) as a free gift by the grace of God and that this justification is solely based on Christ’s substitutionary atonement on the cross which paid once for all and in full the penalty for their sins. The only way to obtain this justification (and therefore, peace with God and salvation) is faith in the person of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, the Savior, and the Lord. The purpose of this salvation is the glory of God, the sanctification of believers unto Christ-likeness and their future glorification, wherein they will dwell with God as His blessed people and possession forever and ever. We also believe that sanctification is a necessary part of salvation: all who truly believe in Christ turn away from sin from the moment of their conversion and immediately begin a new life marked by imitation of God's holiness and righteousness. We believe that it is impossible for those who are saved to revert to a lifestyle of sin. We also believe that sinless perfection cannot be attained in this life (before glorification) and that this residual presence of sin must never be an excuse to tolerate sin and unrepentance.
IX. Church
We believe the church is a unique institution created by God through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. The church is comprised of those who truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ: regenerate new covenant believers who have the Holy Spirit of God in them. We believe that the church is distinct from Israel and that Christ will remove the church through rapture when God resumes His plan for national Israel. We believe that the purpose of the church is to glorify God through the proclamation of Jesus Christ, through obedience to Him, and through a growing likeness to Him in all His fullness so as to be prepared in holiness for Him as a bride for her groom. We also believe that every member of the church has been given by God the Spirit a unique ability to minister to and help mature the church and that a healthy, Spirit-filled church community is where all her members are actively giving of themselves for the edification of others. Lastly, we practice church discipline as the Lord commanded for His honor, for the purity of His church, and with the hope that this will lead to the salvation of the one disciplined.
X. Angels
We believe angels and demons are real and that we do not live in a purely naturalistic world. We believe that Satan and his demons oppose us in the spiritual realm and that our calling in this spiritual warfare is to stand firm by putting on the full armor of God, which consists of truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation, the Word of God and prayer.
XI. End Times
We believe the rapture of the church is the next biblical prophecy to be fulfilled and that the Lord will remove His church from the world before the seven years of tribulation. After this judgment period, the Lord will return to earth to establish His millennial (literal 1,000 years) kingdom on earth, during which time Satan will be bound and all of God’s promises to Israel will be fulfilled. The church will participate in the millennium as those who return to earth with the Lord, who have been grafted into true Israel, and who will share in the blessings of the kingdom of God on earth. After the millennial kingdom, Satan will be released, then vanquished and eternally judged. At this time, Christ will raise all the dead for the final great white throne judgment.
XII. Heaven and Hell
We believe that physical death is not the end for any human being, but that each one will enter either into the eternal bliss of God’s presence in the new heavens and the new earth or into eternal damnation in hell, separated from God forever. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life will enter into eternal life, and all else will perish in hell forever to pay eternally for their sins.