Worldly wisdom can be consistent with jealousy and selfish ambition, but not divine wisdom. James helps us to see that worldly wisdom leads to disorder and every evil thing, whereas heavenly wisdom leads to peace and genuine care for one another.
The true purpose of the tongue is to praise God. But a profane mouth cannot praise God, not without cleansing and repentance. Clean mouth is a prerequisite for worship.
The tongue can be a powerful instrument for good but, if left unchecked, it could lead to detrimental consequences. James wises us up to see both the power and the peril of our tongue.
James shows us that saving faith always produces works of obedience to the Lord. Knowledge of orthodox beliefs doesn’t save, even as demons who know the truth about God are not saved.
James shows us the seriousness of discrimination against the needy and the failure to love neighbor as oneself. To fail the test of love is to fail the test of faith. Faith and love always go hand in hand.