1 Peter 1:3-5

Inheritance (3-4): Our inheritance is the right of ownership that lasts. Like the land that God promised Israel and the allotment each tribe received, the inheritance God has given us is a permanent and irrevocable title. What buttresses our hope is the risen Christ Himself. His resurrection is what guarantees our future resurrection unto glory.[1] And our future is indeed glorious. It is indestructible—incapable of decay, defilement or depreciation. What’s more? This is reserved in heaven for us. It is already prepared and ready,[2] waiting for us in heaven, far beyond the reach of anything here that can pollute or destroy. While the world’s hopes are just grasping at straws, our hope is shatterproof, solid and secure. Heaven has no disappointments.

Heirs (5): It is enough that our inheritance is kept safe for us, but Peter also assures us that we (the heirs!) are protected by our Father’s power. As no responsible mother gives birth and then abandons her child, God never begets anyone to a new life and does not also preserve them until they inherit their eternal salvation.[3] So the Father protects His own and He does this through our faith. God’s power is the massive energy grid we plug into through the outlet called faith. Even as Hezekiah was protected from the invasion of Sennacherib’s army (of 185K!) as he trusted in the Lord (Isaiah 37:10-20, 36-38), so we are protected by the power of God as we trust in Him. We plug in; He supplies the power. God’s almighty hand keeps us; we are un-snatch-able![4]

[1] This is our “living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ…” Cf. 1 Cor. 15:20-22; John 11:25; 14:19.

[2] The word “ready [he-toi-mos (ἕτοιμος)]” means prepared (Matt. 22:8). Our inheritance is a ready and prepared reality (not a utopian dream or science fiction fantasy) which God keeps for us until its final reveal.

[3] Jesus speaks of being born again as the prerequisite for entrance into the kingdom of heaven (John 3:3, 5).

[4] Cf. Isaiah 41:10, 13-14; Psalm 17:6-7; 63:7-8; John 10:28-30; 2 Tim. 4:18.