We have an exhilarating hope ahead of us. Peter exhorts us “therefore” to fix our hope completely on that hope with a mind that is spiritually clear and free of clutter, sharp and alert.
Salvation of grace was the eternal plan of God which the prophets of old earnestly sought to better understand. It sparkles and shimmers in the eyes of God’s people, but for all else, it is dull flat.
God assures us of the genuineness of our faith through trials. We endure in our faith in the Lord and in our love for Him no matter how hard the times become.
As those who have been born again by God’s mercy we are heirs of God and we have an everlasting and indestructible inheritance in heaven. God keeps that inheritance safe and He protects His heirs until they finally arrive at the inheritance He has prepared for them.
We are aliens in this world just passing by as sojourners. We are also the elect of the triune God by His sovereign and eternal plan which has been gloriously revealed in our lives.
The people of God are promised answered prayer. Those who abide in Christ are assured that God hears and positively answers their prayers. The people of God also know to restore a sinner to the Lord.