Luke 2:39-52, Jesus grew in God's wisdom as the promised Savior

Reading Assignment: Luke 2:39-52

Main Idea: Jesus grew in God's wisdom as the promised Savior

Key Phrase/Verse: “Increasing in wisdom” / Luke 2:52

Background on Jesus’ humanity: Jesus wasn't quasi-human but truly and fully human ("truly" is the historic descriptor for His humanity, whereas "fully" is the common descriptor of orthodox Christology today). In the incarnation, the Son of God was "made like His brethren in all things" (Heb. 2:17). One aspect of the "all things" is Jesus' development to adulthood. He grew both in stature and wisdom. This passage shows the growth of the Savior in His development years - patiently submitting to and trusting in God’s will for Him.


1.       Jesus grew as the perfect human child.

2.       Jesus grew to understand God's Scripture and will.

3. Jesus grew with devotion to God as the perfect, promised Savior.


1.       Praise Jesus as the perfect man of God - living to be the perfect Savior.

2.       Pray to grow in wisdom from God.

3.       Pray to grow in devotion to God's way.