
Matthew 27:1-26, Jesus was innocent

Jesus was innocent. There was in Jerusalem a landmark that testified of this. Pilate and his wife also testified of His innocence. Pilate even washed his hands to absolve himself of guilt, because he knew he was condemning an innocent man to the crucifixion. If Jesus was innocent, then for what purpose did He die? This is the question we ponder as we look at Matthew’s account of Jesus’ trial before the Roman tribunal.

Matthew 26:57-75, Jesus testified of the truth

Unlike all others in this scene, Jesus testified of the truth. The Jewish tribunal was filled with liars who falsely accused Jesus. The Sanhedrin would entertain false testimonies to kill the man they hated. Simon Peter lied through his teeth for fear of arrest or worse. But Jesus is not like any of these. He testified of the truth and willingly gave up His life for our atonement. There is no Savior like Him!

Matthew 26:31-56, God's word always comes to pass

In this story of Jesus’ arrest, Matthew shows us that this was entirely the fulfillment of Scripture. And in this scene Jesus is an active participant to carry out the word of God. He resisted temptation with prayer and He maintained strength in His human spirit and in His body. This is how He gave Himself up for our redemption. How glorious is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!