
Proverbs 27:3-4, 7, 11-13, 15-16, 20-22, Men of Wisdom (Part 5)

Men of wisdom are men of sensibility. In this final study of Proverb 27, we examine this vital area of what it means to be men of wisdom. We must be sensible in all areas of life. In this study, we look at the areas of covetousness, cravings, connectedness, consequences, conversion, capital and commendation. May the Lord help us to sow the seed of wisdom so that we may grow into a flourishing tree to provide a shade for our children and our children’s children.

Proverbs 27:8, 18-19, 23-27, Men of Wisdom (Part 4)

Men of wisdom are also men of responsibility. God has assigned to each man a place in life, a set of biblical responsibilities that clarify the will of God in his life. And we are to never abandon that place of duty. Whether it is the duty of fatherhood or marriage or work, we are to faithfully fulfill our role that comes down to us as a charge from heaven. But above all, we must take care of the supreme duty to watch over the condition of our own hearts before God. It is from our hearts that flow springs of life, not only for us but for all those who depend on us.

Proverbs 27:1-2, Men of Wisdom

There is a need for a counter measure against our culture regarding the important topic of biblical manhood and biblical womanhood. In this series of studies from Proverbs 27, we look at what it means to be men of wisdom biblically. Biblical wisdom is what Christ possessed and this is the pathway to wisdom for our men and boys growing up to be men one day. May the Lord mold and shape into men who are first and foremost humble men.

Proverbs 2:1-15 Conflicts in the Church [Part 5]

Not all biblical principles are on an even plain with others. Some are higher (vs. lower) priority, and some are more general (vs. specific) than others. To navigate through the complexities of life and conflicts, we need wisdom to decipher what is the peak (high priority), what is the mountain range (general) and what are the hills immediately before us (specific). May the Lord grant us wisdom as we seek Him prayerfully and biblically!

Proverbs 3:5-6 Conflicts in the Church [Part 2]

God wants us to trust Him and to respond to conflicts His way. In this second installment on conflicts in the church, we look at the implications of upholding the principles of righteousness in 1 Cor. 6 and 1 Tim. 5. Additionally, we dive into the third biblical mandate regarding government: the church is subjugated under this entity which God has established for punishing evil-doers.